
Phone: 01324 827394

Creative Homecare, Denny, FK6 5HJ


Contact form/request a call back

Opening hours

Our service manager works Monday to Friday 9 – 5.

Feedback and complaints

We always welcome feedback about our service. We want to hear about the difference the service is making for you. That may be sharing positive stories that will help others understand how Creative Homecare can help them.

We are also keen to learn about what you think we can do differently to improve our service.
Please get in touch with our Creative Homecare Team, on: 01324 827394

You can also register a complaint through the Care Inspectorate website at or write to them at: Care Inspectorate Headquarters, Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee DD1 4NY.

Suggestions and Complaints Procedure

As part of our responsibilities, we must produce an annual report to provide a summary of the number
of times we have triggered Duty of Candour within our service. During this time there have been no incidents in relation to Duty of Candour: Duty of Candour Report March 2021 Creative Homecare